misanthropy is playable for 22 points
hypnotism sympathin
mayorship aptronyms parsimony patrimony patronyms protamins
aptonyms aptronym morphins
paronyms patronym phantoms aphorism morphias
opsimath syrphian thymosin trampish maintops protamin ptomains
rampions tampions atropism manihots
minatory pastromi
stramony tranship aphorist ramosity
nymphos shrimpy aptonym morphin
paronym paynims phantom shipman shopman tympani tympano tympans harmony hymnist morphia moshpit
myopias photism phytons pythons rompish typhons
atrophy maintop mopanis
postman ptomain
rampion rhymist tampion tampons timpano armpits harmins
nympha nympho nymphs paynim tympan aphony hominy mishap mopish morphs mynahs myopia phyton python shrimp stompy sympto
syphon trampy typhon marshy mopani
mythoi mythos physio pitman potman shamoy sharpy
smithy tampon topman trophy armpit hamsin
nymph hymns morph mynah pashm
phony yomps harpy hypos mashy mothy mythi
myths pithy sophy thymi anomy impro maynt
minty moany month monty mynas nyams
pansy panty phons pimas
prams prima primo prims
hymn mopy yomp homy hypo hyps myth amps imps many maps mony mops myna nyam
pams phon pima piny poma
poms pony pram prim prom pyin ramp romp samp simp spam tamp army hams haps
hyp amp imp map mop pam pom ham hap him hip hom hop may mho ohm pah pay phi pho pht poh pry pya spy yam yap yip yom hay hoy man mon nam nap
hm my am ma mi mo om op pa pi po ah ay ha hi ho oh oy sh ya yi yo an in na no on ai ar as at io is it oi
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