mishandle is playable for 17 points
Unscramble MISHANDLE
dishelm lamedhs
mildens handles handsel inhaled maidens malines medials medians medinas menials misdeal mislead seminal sideman halides handies
inhales denials snailed
lamedh mehndi almehs ashmen
haemin hamels
hamsin hemins hiemal inmesh limned mashed milden shamed aidmen amends daimen
damsel denims desman dismal handle lameds
lemans limans limens
maiden mailed maline mashie medals medial median medina menads
almeh halms
helms hemal hemin mensh
admen admin amend damns denim haems hames lamed leman liman limed limen limns maned medal melds menad mends minds mined named shame aimed almes amens amide amids
halm helm ahem damn haem hame hams hemi hems limn mash meld mend mesh mild mind sham shim alme alms amen amid amin
dahl dame dams dhal diem
dime dims elms hand held hind idem
ham hem him meh dam dim elm lam mad man med mel men mid mil nam nem
nim aim ami dah edh ems had hed hen hid hin ism lah mae mai mas mea
hm am em ma me mi ah eh ha he hi sh ad al an da de ed el en id in la li na ne ae ai as es is si
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