morganite is playable for 15 points
Unscramble MORGANITE
emoting garment germina
magneto mangier marengo margent marting megaron megaton metring migrant mintage mitogen moating
montage reaming roaming teaming tegmina terming migrate ragtime amniote meranti minaret moanier
moraine raiment romaine tonearm genitor granite gratine ingrate
arming engram enigma gamine german magnet manger margin mating meting minger monger morgan morgen ragmen taming gamier imager magret maigre mirage airmen anomie enamor etamin
inmate manito manoir marine marten martin matron mentor merino minora
among gamin genom
gnome mange mango minge ngoma
gamer gemot gomer grime image imago magot marge omega regma ament amine amino amnio anime enorm inarm
manor matin meant menta mento minae miner minor monie
game germ gorm gram grim mage magi marg mega ogam amen amin
main mane mano mean mein
meno mien mina mine mint moan mona morn name nema nemo noma nome norm omen agin agon amie
gam gem mag meg mig mog man men mon nam nem
nim nom aim ami arm emo eng gan gen gin mae mai mar mat mea
mer met mir moa moi mor mot nag nog
am em ma me mi mo om ag gi go an en in na ne no on ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi or re ta te ti to
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