neoconservatism is playable for 27 points
conversations normativeness normotensives
conservatism conservation conversation normotensive nonassertive
vasectomies vasectomise viscometers coinventors contravenes conversions covenanters covenantors menservants noncreative nonreactive coinvestors
monstrances overactions revocations centrosomes economisers
renovations venerations enantiomers minestrones reascension renominates transiences aeronomists
monasteries monetarises
serviceman vicomtesse viscometer antivenoms coinventor contravene conversant conversion covenanter covenantor cravenness nonvectors novocaines
activeness coinvestor
conominees contemners contemnors covertness encrimsons
evocations incasement increments monstrance overaction revocation vasotocins ventricose verminates astronomic centesimos
centrosome creaminess cremations
overcomes antivenom coinvents
connivers conveners convenors covenants nonactive nonvector novocaine venireman ascensive averments conominee conserves contemner contemnor contrives converses encrimson evections evocation increment invocates misevents
navicerts nonatomic noncrimes nonmetric normative omnivores overmines
vasotocin verminate veronicas
overcame overcome vicomtes
conniver connives convener convenes convenor convents covenant envenoms averment cavesson centavos conative conserve contemns contrive converse converts corvinas
enactive evection invocate misevent
navicert noncrime omnivora
omnivore overmans overmine
overnice overscan
cavemen vicomte vomicae
connive convene convent envenom caverns centavo cervine contemn convert corvina corvine cravens evinces movants noncoms novices overman overmen ovonics
varment varmint venatic venomer
vermian actives amnesic anosmic avocets camions
carmine cavorts cementa
vomica vanmen
carven cavern conman conmen convos covens covine
craven evince mavens mavins movant noncom novice ovonic venoms vermin vincas active anemic anomic avocet camion carmen carves cavers cavies cavort cement cinema civets corvee
convo coven covin maven mavin venom vimen vinca amnic
carve caver caves cavie
civet cover coves covet crave evict macon manic mavie
mavis mince monic mover moves movie varec vatic vicar vices voces
voice vomer
cave cove move vacs vice vims voce
acme came cami camo cams coma come corm cram crim emic mace macs marc mica mice mics mocs scam conn even nave neve nevi nova novo
oven vain
vac vim cam mac mic moc van vin von ave avo can con eve man men mon nam nem
nim nom ova ovo rav
rev sev
tav var vas vat vee vet via vie vis
am em ma me mi mo om an en in na ne no on ae ai ar as at ee eo er es et io is it oe oi oo or os re si so
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