nomenclator is playable for 20 points
cleanroom contemnor olecranon monolater
amelcorn colorman colormen cornmeal coenamor
monocrat nanomole nonmetal nonmoral colorant ecotonal nonactor nonmetro ornament anteroom coronate
coalmen contemn monocle cormlet
romance alencon noncola almoner central connate connote control coolant corneal coronal coronel lactone lomenta moneran montane moonlet nonmeat octanol omental remnant telamon cartoon coranto coronae coronet crotale enactor locater locator
conman conmen noncom calmer camlet carmen clamor coelom cormel macron marcel cannel comate almner ancone canner cannot cantle canton cental cloner colone
conner cornel lament lancer lancet loment manner mantel mantle melton mental merlon
camel celom comal
macle macon cameo carom comae comer comet comte coram
cream crema macer macro ancon canon clean clone colon lance leman lemon melon monal nance nomen nonce acorn ament amole caner canoe canto
calm clam acme came camo coma come corm cram mace marc clan clon
conn acne alec alme amen calo
cane cant carl carn celt cent clot coal cola cole colt cone cool corn cran cron
cam mac moc can cel col con elm lac lam man mel men mol mon nam nem
nom olm ace act arc arm car cat coo cor cot eco emo mae mar mat mea
am em ma me mo om al an el en la lo na ne no on ae ar at eo er et oe oo or re ta te to
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