onomatopoeia is playable for 19 points
impanate ptomaine metanoia
maintop metopon pimento ptomain
tampion timpana
timpano tompion ipomoea amentia amniote amotion animate animato emotion patinae
impone mopane mopani
pieman pitman pitmen potman potmen tampan tampon topman topmen optima optime anemia anomia anomie anopia apnoea etamin
inmate manito motion omenta option pantie patina patine pinata pineta pointe potion taimen taipan
tempi tempo amain ament amine amino amnia amnio anima anime apian apnea atman inapt inept manat mania manie
manta matin meant menta mento minae monie monte napoo netop nomoi
notam opine paean paeon paint panto
mope pama
pima poem poma
pome pomo tamp temp amen amin
main mana mane mano mean mein
meno mien mina mine mint moan mona mono moon naam name napa
nape neap nema nemo nipa noma
amp imp map mop pam pom man men mon nam nap nem
nim nip nom pan pen pin aim ama ami ape apt emo maa mae mai mat mea
met moa moi moo mot oom
am em ma me mi mo om op pa pe pi po an en in na ne no on aa ae ai at eo et io it oe oi oo ta te ti to
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