openhearted is playable for 18 points
orphaned phonated earphone pothered threaped threeped
parented pronated reopened repented repetend adherent departee deportee dethrone headnote neatherd operated repeated threnode reheated
ephedra haptene
hardtop heptane panther phaeton phenate phonate pothead potheen aproned notepad operand padrone pandore pentode phorate portend preened preheat pretend protend tonepad adepter adoptee adopter operant petered predate preteen pronate protean readopt redtape
daphne phoned hapten harped heaped heptad orphan pathed peahen deepen depone dopant neaped opened pander panted pardon pedant peened pentad ponder pother repand tephra teraph thorpe threap threep
arpent deeper dehorn depart deport enrapt entrap
depth ephod hoped phone ephor hoper paned phare raphe thorp tophe
adept adopt apron depot doper drape dropt epode honda honed neper netop opted padre paedo paeon panto pared paren pated paten pedro pored preed
phon epha harp heap herp hope opah path pend phat phot pond toph aped apod deep derp dopa dope dorp drop hand nape neap neep nope oped
open pane pant pard pean pedo peed peen
hap hep hop pah peh pho pht poh dap dop nap pad pan ped pen pod ape apt dah doh edh had hed hen hod hon nah noh nth ope opt par pat pea pee
op pa pe po ah eh ha he ho oh ad an da de do ed en na ne no od on ae ar at ee eo er et oe or re ta te to
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