originate is playable for 12 points
Unscramble ORIGINATE
airting genitor granite gratine igniter ignitor ingrate negator orating rioting rogaine tangier tearing tiering trigone goatier inertia
agrion airing argent earing eating engirt eringo gainer garnet gitano
gratin ignite ignore ingate oaring onager onagri orange origan
origin ragini
rating reagin regain regina region tagine taring teaing tieing tiring toeing tonger
trigon aigret
agent agone anger argon garni genii genoa genro giant giron
goner gonia grain grano grant groan groin ingot iring ngaio orang organ range reign renga renig rogan
tango tigon tinge tonga argot ergot gator
agin agon gaen gain gane gean gena gent gien girn gnar gnat gone gran grin rang ring tang ting tong ager agio areg ergo gait gate gear geta giro girt gite goat goer gora
eng gan gen gin nag nog age ago ego erg gae gar gat geo get gie git goa gor
got rag reg rig tag teg tig tog ain ane ani ant eon ern ion nae
ag gi go an en in na ne no on ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi or re ta te ti to
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