outstretch is playable for 16 points
shortcut touchers
retouch rouches toucher touches hectors rochets
rotches stretch tochers torches troches
curtest cutters scouter scutter cotters shouter shutter souther hotters hottest outsert stouter stutter touters stretto totters
chorus chouse chutes couths
ouches rouche ruches
tochus touche tusche cherts chores chotts cosher hector ochers ochres rochet rotche tocher troche cerous course courts couter
crouse croute
cruets cruset curets
cutest cutter eructs rectus
chute couth crush hocus ruche teuch
touch chert chest chore chose chott echos ocher oches
ochre retch roche rotch techs torch court cruet cruse crust cures curet curse curst cuter cutes ecrus
eruct recut scour
ouch such cosh echo echt etch oche tech crus cues cure curs curt cute cuts ecru ecus scut cero core cost cote cots erhu hour hues hurt huts ohus orcs recs
rhus rocs rush ruth
och tch cru cue cur cut ecu cor cos cot eco hue hut ohu orc rec roc sec soc suh eth her hes
het hoe hos hot ohs rho she sho soh the tho
uh eh he ho oh sh ou us ut eo er es et oe or os re so te to
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