packhorse is playable for 21 points
Unscramble PACKHORSE
hopsack packers repacks chokers chokras
hackers hockers
phreaks shocker carhops cheapos coprahs
eparchs parches poacher poaches porches shoepac presoak choreas
ochreas oraches roaches
packer repack charks choker chokes chokra
haceks hacker hocker
hopaks phreak shacko
carhop chapes
cheapo cheaps coprah
eparch epochs preach scarph
ackers crakes creaks croaks ockers pokers sacker screak capers copers copras corpse crapes escarp
packs pecks pocks speck chark choke hacek hacks hecks hocks hopak kaphs kophs
shack shock caphs
chape chaps cheap chops epoch parch peach pechs
perch poach porch cakes carks cokes corks crake creak croak ocker
pack peck pock hack heck hock kaph koph caph chap chop pech cake cark cask coke cork keps
kops park peak perk poke pork rack reck rock sack skep sock cape capo caps carp ceps
ack kep
kop cap cep cop hok pac pec ach cha hac hap hep hoc
hop och pah peh pho poh aks ark ask erk kae
kea kes koa kor kos oak oka oke
ka ok op pa pe po ah eh ha he ho oh sh ae ar as eo er es oe or os re so
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