parasynthesis is playable for 21 points
antiphrases phantasises
pheasantry phantasies phantasise
transshape transships trashiness satyriases
syrphians aphanites apishness asynapses
asynapsis peasantry perianths pheasants prytanies sharpness thespians tranships transship starships synthases synthesis antipress apartness aspirants hysterias partisans pastiness pinasters pristanes raspiness septarian spartinas spinsters steapsins
aspirates asthenias hastiness parasites rhatanies satrapies
phantasy phytanes syrphian aphanite epinasty hanapers heparins panthers peasanty
perianth pheasant piranhas seraphin
sharpens spryness synapses synapsis thespian tranship trypsins apathies apyrases asperity epistasy
harpists hipsters parishes shanteys
sharpest sharpies shaytans sparsity starship synthase
phrensy phytane syphers
therapy hanaper haptens harpins
hatpins heparin hipness inphase panther paysans
piranha saphena sharpen synapse trypsin apeshit aphesis apyrase astheny harpies harpist hipster hyaenas pariahs pessary phasers phrases pirayas
pyrites raphias raspish
apathy ephyra physes
physis sharpy
sphery sypher hapten harpin
hatpin napery painty pantry paysan
pinery pyrans shapen shnaps
trypan apiary aspish henrys hyaena hyenas pariah parish parity pashas pashes pastry payers payess perish phaser phases
harpy hyper hypes pithy pansy panty piney pyins
pyran spiny apery aphis apish ephas hapas harps hasps heaps henry herps hyena party pasha pasty paths patsy payer peaty pesty phare phase piety pissy piths prays
hype hyps piny pyin epha espy hapa haps harp hasp heap heps herp hips pash path paty
pays pehs
phat phis pish pith pity pray prey pyas pyes pyre ship spay spry type yaps yeps
hyp hap hep hip pah pay peh phi pht pry pya pye spy yap yep yip hay hey nap nip pan pen pin shy thy yah yeh any ape apt asp hen hin nah nay
pa pe pi ah ay eh ha he hi sh ya ye yi an en in na ne aa ae ai ar as at er es et is it re si ta te ti
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