parhelion is playable for 16 points
Unscramble PARHELION
aphelion phelonia
alphorn pinhole ephoral harelip heparin phonier opaline plainer praline proline hernial inhaler peloria airhole aileron alienor
holpen phenol phonal harpin
hirple orphan alpine ephori
pineal pinole planer prolan replan enhalo inhale orpine palier
panier parole rapine rhinal hailer halier hernia heroin hirola holier aliner eolian larine larnie
linear loaner nailer
aleph phial phone ralph ephor hoper lapin nopal panel pelon
penal phare plain plane plein
plena pleno
raphe apron halon loper opine orpin paeon paler panir
paren parle parol pearl peril piano pilar pilea
help holp phon epha harp heap herp hope opah plan leap lipa lope nape neap nipa nope opal open pail pain pale pali pane pani
peal pean pein peon pial pian pile pina
pine pion
hap hep hip hop pah peh phi pho poh alp lap lip lop nap nip pal pan pen pin pol ape hen hin hon lah nah noh ope par pea per pia pie pir
op pa pe pi po ah eh ha he hi ho oh al an el en in la li lo na ne no on ae ai ar eo er io oe oi or re
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