perchlorate is playable for 20 points
percolate procreate tracheole trochleae
trochlear correlate
preacher reproach pectoral praelect
preclear replacer chelator chlorate chortler pleather plethora receptor reclothe trochlea ephorate
palterer relocate latherer
chaplet epochal potlach
chapter cheaper patcher peacher percher poacher repatch tepache
caltrop capelet percale plectra polecat prelect replace caperer carport chelate cholate cholera chorale choreal chortle ephoral heeltap leacher
porrect prerace taphole
telpher trachle
chapel pleach carhop cheapo coprah
eparch hepcat preach caplet carpel parcel placer placet capote captor carper carpet cartop chalet chalot
chelae choler choral clothe copter helper lecher preact recept
thecal toecap archer charro cheero
chape chapt cheap cheep epoch parch patch peach perch poach porch potch clapt clepe clept copal place aleph caper capot carpe
chela cloth coapt coper copra crape creep crepe crept epact larch latch leach leech
caph chap chop pech clap clop cape capo carp cepe chal
cope crap crop help holp lech loch pace pact ache arch char chat each eche echo echt epha etch harp heap herp hope oche
cap cep cop pac pec ach cha hac hap hep hoc
hop och pah peh pho pht poh tch alp cel col lac lap lop pal pol ace act ape apt arc car cat cee
op pa pe po ah eh ha he ho oh al el la lo ae ar at ee eo er et oe or re ta te to
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