phalanstery is playable for 20 points
synalepha planetary peasantry
enthalpy phantasy phytanes ashplant shrapnel hanapers panthers paralyse pearlash peasanty
pheasant plastery psaltery parental parlante
paternal planters platanes
pleasant prenatal replants analyser analytes antheral
enthrals palestra trehalas asternal
phenyls phrensy phytane shapely sharply aplenty penalty pentyls plenary therapy apetaly asphalt hanaper haptens panther parlays parleys parsley peartly
phalera phaseal
phrasal plasher
players psaltry pteryla replays saphena sharpen sparely spathal spheral apyrase astheny
phenyl heptyl phylae phylar
plashy apathy ephyra pentyl plenty sharpy
sphery sypher alephs alphas hapten napery paltry pantry parlay parley partly paysan
pearly peltry pertly platys playas player plyers pyrans ralphs raptly replay shapen trypan
haply phyla phyle sylph harpy hyper hypes aleph alpha aptly helps palsy pansy panty patly plash platy playa plays plyer pyran ralph reply shlep slype splay typal yelps apery ephas ethyl hapas harps heaps henry
hype hyps help paly play yelp epha espy hapa haps harp hasp heap heps herp hyla pash path paty
pays pehs
phat plan pray prey pyas pyes pyre spay spry type yaps yeps alap
hyp ply hap hep pah pay peh pht pry pya pye spy yap yep alp hay hey lap nap pal pan pen shy thy yah yeh any ape apt asp hen lah lay ley lye
pa pe ah ay eh ha he sh ya ye al an el en la na ne aa ae ar as at er es et re ta te
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