phallocentric is playable for 27 points
chancellor anchoretic arctophile pratincole chlorinate citronella interlocal
catchpoll catchpole catchline chloracne chronicle cochineal echolalic haplontic laccolith precocial technical anthropic choleraic nephrotic plethoric centrical halocline porcelain prolactin replicant accretion anorectic chelation enchorial parhelion precoital prothalli recaption anchorite antechoir collinear coralline pollinate allethrin corallite
cephalic cachepot picocell alopecic cephalin cephalon clincher coprince
phenolic pinochle planchet prechill
precinct acceptor anechoic atechnic calthrop
carphone catechin catechol catholic cecropia cenotaph chancier chaperon chicaner chipotle choleric cochlear corniche enchoric encroach haptenic hectical
capiche picacho
chancel concept conchal peccant phallic planche aphonic caliche canthic
caprice caproic chalice chancer chancre chaplet chicane chicano chloric chopine chronic cochlea conchae
conchie ectopic epochal nephric panoche
phocine phrenic pincher potlach
practic technic
clench clinch planch plench
accept caliph capric chance chapel chicle cholic chopin cliche cloche cochin concha cranch icecap ipecac painch
pectic phonic pleach cachet callop cancel caplin carhop caroch
ceriph cheapo chicer choice choric
cinch clach
conch pinch cache catch chape chapt cheap chico chirp coach cotch epoch parch patch peach perch pitch poach porch potch capon cecal chill clapt clept clipt colic conic copal copen
panic pecan pical
caph chap chic chip chop pech capn
clap clip clop cape capo carp ceca chal
chin chon coca cope crap croc crop epic help holp inch lech lich loch nach
pace pact phon pica pice
cap cep cop pac pec pic ach cha chi hac hap hep hic hip hoc
hop ich och pah peh phi pho pht poh tch alp can cel col con lac lap lip lop nap
op pa pe pi po ah eh ha he hi ho oh al an el en in la li lo na ne no on ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi
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