photorealism is playable for 21 points
metropolis prostomial
hospitaler isothermal thimerosal thiomersal
homeports homoptera
metaphors shampooer temporals earthslip
hailstorm heirlooms heliports isophotal loathsome plethoras portholes potholers prostomia atrophies amitroles
epilators pistolero
saprolite spoliator troopials aeroliths horsetail lotharios
omphaloi omphalos aphorism apothems homeport isomorph mateship metaphor morphias
opsimath samphire seraphim shipmate teraphim trampish episomal impalers impearls implores lempiras liposome marplots milepost palmiers palmiest polemist proemial prosomal
septimal templars temporal tramples armholes atropism
pelhams phloems apothem empaths hampers morphia morphos moshpit
oompahs photism rompish shampoo amplest impaler impales impearl implore lampers lempira limpers limpest limpets lipomas marplot optimal palmers palmier palmist pleroma pomelos prelims premolt
pelham phloem empath hamper mishap mopish morpho morphs oompah oomphs shrimp ampler impale impels lamper limpas
limper limpet lipoma maples milpas
palmer pomelo prelim primal rimple sample simple alephs almehs armpit emptor
hamlet hiemal
hemps morph oomph pashm
ample impel lamps limpa
limps maple milpa palms plasm psalm aleph almeh halms
helms helps hemal holme holms impro mohel moops
moper mopes perms phial pimas
plash poems pomas
hemp lamp limp palm amps halm helm help holm holp imps maps mope mops pams perm pima poem poma
pome pomo poms pram prim prom ramp romp samp simp spam tamp temp ahem epha haem
amp imp map mop pam pom ham hap hem hep him hip hom hop meh mho ohm pah peh phi pho pht poh alp elm lam lap lip lop mel mil mol olm pal pol
hm am em ma me mi mo om op pa pe pi po ah eh ha he hi ho oh sh al el la li lo ae ai ar as at eo er es et
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