polytechnic is playable for 26 points
phenylic pycnotic choicely ecotypic hecticly
hypnotic phyletic phytonic
pythonic typhonic
phenolic pinochle polyenic chipotle epicotyl helicopt lipocyte phonetic leptonic tholepin
ciphony concept cyclone chopine conchie ectopic lynchet phocine phonily potency technic ethylic lecythi
pinocle potiche techily cholent choline conceit entopic helicon ineptly nepotic pinhole ethinyl
hoplite thionyl lection potline topline
hotline neolith
chicly conchy cyphel
hypnic phylic
clench clinch cyclin pitchy plench
chicle cholic chopin cicely cliche cloche clypei cochin pectic phenyl phonic phylon policy poncey yclept choice clonic cotype
echoic hectic heptyl hyenic
notchy pencil
piccy yecch cinch clype
conch cycle cyclo cynic leccy lynch pinch poncy chico chyle cotch epoch phony phyle pitch potch typic clept clipt colic conic copen
itchy pithy ponce pylon techy chiel chile chine chino
chic chip chop copy pech pyic
clip clop hype hypo yech chin chon cloy coly cony cope epic help holp inch lech lich loch phon pice pily piny ploy poly pony pyin yelp chit choi
hyp cep cop pec pic ply chi coy hep hic hip hoc
hop ich icy och peh phi pho pht poh pye tch yep yip cel col con hey hoy lip lop nip pen pin
op pe pi po eh he hi ho oh oy ye yi yo el en in li lo ne no on eo et io it oe oi te ti to
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