predicant is playable for 17 points
Unscramble PREDICANT
pedantic picrated
dicentra dipteran
pandect pranced cantrip caprine peracid picante predict paretic picrate cairned depaint painted pardine patined printed tranced ceratin
certain creatin diptera painter partied pertain pirated repaint tacrine antired detrain trained
apneic carped catnip craped depict incept pectin percid pincer prance priced prince redcap carpet pacier preact tricep cadent canted cedarn cinder craned dancer decani decant dipnet
pained pander pandit panted pedant pentad pinder rancid
caped paced panic pecan caper capri carpe
carpi crape crept cripe epact pacer price recap acned caned canid cnida dance decan nicad paned pined acred acrid acted actin adept antic arced cadet cadre caird cairn
cape carp crap epic pace pact pica pice pend aced acid acne aped cade cadi caid cain cane cant card carn cedi cent cine cran cred dace derp dice dipt drip ecad
iced inca
cap cep pac pec pic cad can dap dip nap nip pad pan ped pen pin ace act ape apt arc car cat ice par pat pea per pet pia pie pir
pit pre rap
pa pe pi ad an da de ed en id in na ne ae ai ar at er et it re ta te ti
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