promulgate is playable for 20 points
promulge temporal emulator outglare
plumage gopuram ampoule plumate earplug glamour gluepot graupel marplot moulage plaguer pleroma premolt
templar tempura trample glomera
gomeral gourmet pergola morulae moulter outleap portage potager poulter tumoral prolate tegular gloater legator outrage torulae
ampule lumper pumelo
rumple ampler gulper lamper palmer plague putlog rumpot emptor
glamor gopura malgre
mauger maugre morgue murage proleg tamper tergum trompe amulet magret mauler morula muleta parget pleura potage ragtop tupelo armlet mature
grump ampul gramp plume algum almug ample glume maple mogul mulga trump galop gamut getup gleam gloam golem group grume moper plage proem purge remap tempo tramp tromp gamer gaper gemot gomer grape grope larum
gamp lump plum glum gulp lamp palm plug puma rump tump gaum geum glam glom glop grum mope perm poem poma
pome pram prom ramp romp tamp temp alum game gape germ gorm gorp gram
ump amp gum map mop mug pam pom pug gam gap gem lum mag meg mog peg pul alp amu elm emu gul lam lap lop lug mel mol mut olm pal pol pur put
mu um up am em ma me mo om op pa pe po ag go al el la lo ou ut ae ar at eo er et oe or re ta te to
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