protreptic is playable for 19 points
cropper croppie porrect protect tripper trippet cottier critter pierrot pottier preriot
copper peptic copier copter poetic potpie pricer proper propre ptotic ripper tipper tippet tiptop topper toppie tricep tropic corrie cotter erotic orrice
pitter porter potter pretor protei rector report ropier tiptoe tricot retort rioter ritter
coper crept cripe optic picot piper pipet price topic citer corer crier crore octet petit petti
petto piert
pitot porte prier prior recti recto repot repro ricer riper roper toper toric trice tripe trope otter
cope crop epic pepo perp pice pipe pope prep prop repp cero cire cite coir core cote crit etic otic peri pert pier poet pore port repo rice ripe rope tope topi torc
trip trop
cep cop pec pep pic pip pop cor cot eco ice ope opt orc per pet pie pir
pit poi pot pre pro rec rep rip roc tic tip top err ire oer
ore ort
op pe pi po eo er et io it oe oi or re te ti to
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