recreation is playable for 14 points
actioner anoretic
carotene carrotin
centiare creatine creation erection increate iterance neoteric reaction recanter recreant tricorne anterior reorient retainer
acetone aconite carnier
carotin carrion centare ceratin
certain cointer
cornier cortina creatin crenate enactor enteric enticer noticer octrain
reenact tacrine tricorn caterer cirrate coterie creator erector erotica erratic ocreate reactor reciter recrate
retrace terrace arenite
acetin action aeonic aircon
atonic canoer canter cantor careen carnet carnie carton cation cenote center centra centre cetane citron coiner contra cornea corner cornet cortin craton cretin enatic encore entice nectar noetic notice octane orcein
acorn actin antic cairn caner canoe canti
canto carne
cento conte cotan
crane crone enact nacre narco naric
nicer niece ocean octan oncer ontic orcin racon rance recon tonic tronc actor areic artic carer caret
acne cain cane cant carn cent cine cion coin cone coni
corn cran cron
icon inca narc nice once acer acre acto
arco care carr cart cate cere cero cete ciao cire cite coat coir
can con ace act arc car cat cee cor cot eco ice oca orc rec roc tic ain ane ani ant eon ern ion nae nai
nee net nit nor not one ran rin tan
an en in na ne no on ae ai ar at ee eo er et io it oe oi or re ta te ti to
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