renaturation is playable for 15 points
internaut narration tarnation
neutrino notturni
nutation nutrient unornate
aeronaut annotate anointer aurorean inerrant intonate intranet natation reanoint ritenuto aeration anterior attainer nitrator reattain retirant
tentoria traiteur troutier
aneurin neutron reunion runnier tonneau aeonian annatto earnout enation entrain entrant intoner intrant naturae
nitrone nointer
nuttier outearn rainout routine ruinate runtier
tannate taunter taurine ternion tontine uranite urinate arnatto aurorae intreat iterant narrate
anuran inturn neuron nutant runner unrent untorn anoint anuria attune auntie eonian inaner
innate intent intern intone intron naiant narine
natant nation natron nature nitent
nonart nutate nutria nutter outran ratrun
return ruiner tanner
ennui inurn union anent anion anura inane inner inure nanto
niton nonet renin rerun ronin rouen ruana rutin taunt tenon tonne tuner turnt unite untie urine anear antae antra antre arena arent atone aurae aurar
noun unna
anna anon aunt naan nana nano neon nine nona none noni nuit
ruin rune runt tuan tuna tune turn unai
unit unto aeon aint airn
anoa anta ante anti aura auto earn eina
nun inn nan non nut run tun uan
uni urn ain ana ane ani ant eau eon ern ion nae nai
net nit nor not one our out ran rin rue rut tan tau ten
nu un an en in na ne no on ou ut aa ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi or re ta te ti to
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