righteous is playable for 14 points
Unscramble RIGHTEOUS
resought roughest roughies toughies ghostier
gushier roguish roughie tougher toughie troughs hogties ogreish resight sighter goutier gustier gutsier hirsute rougets
shouter souther goiters goitres goriest heriots hoister shortie stourie
gusher hugest oughts roughs sought toughs trough eights girths griths
hogtie ogrish righto rights sigher erugos
grouse grouts guiros guiser gutser
houris houser
regius rogues rouges rouget
rugose togues
tushie egoist ergots goiter
huger ought rough shrug sough teugh thugs tough eight ghost girsh
girth goeth gosht goths grith right sight erhus erugo
gouts grout grues guest guiro guise gusto houri hours house huies
hurst hurts rogue
gush huge hugs sugh
thug ughs
gosh goth hogs shog sigh erhu gout grue gust guts hour hues huis
hurt huts ohus rhus rugs rush ruth shui
shut tegu thou thru thus trug tugs
hug ugh ghi hog gur
gut hue hui hut ohu rug suh tug ego erg eth geo get gie gis git gor
got her hes
het hie his hit hoe hoi hos hot ohs reg
uh eh gi go he hi ho oh sh ou us ut eo er es et io is it oe oi or os re si so te ti to
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