rutherfordium is playable for 24 points
triformed thermidor drouthier
drumfire humoured forumite mouthier retiform rumoured thurifer froideur frothier outfired mirrored outrider roturier torrider
deiform humidor humored mouthed rhodium ethmoid frothed further heirdom mouther murther thorium triduum triform uredium
fruited mothier rumored dhurrie drifter druther fruiter furrier hideout hurried outfire remorid
hurrier hurtier rotifer theroid heritor outride routier
deform ferrum
firmed formed fumier
humour firmer fomite former fourth fuhrer hemoid humeri method reform thumri
dimout foudre
furred future hermit homier mither mother murder rumour tedium tumour turfed dormer dormie drouth foetid furore iterum
fumed femur forum fremd fumer fumet humid mufti durum fermi forme homed humor mohur motif mouth rheum thrum demur firth forth frith froth homer homie methi metho mirth mured murid muted odeum odium therm thief
fume firm form from doum drum feud heft hemi herm home meth moth them defi
deft demo derm diem
dime dome dorm feod fide
fido ford four hued idem meou mode motu moue mure murr
emf fem hum dum feh foh fud hem him hom meh mho mud ohm umu def dhu
dif dim dom duh emu fed feu fid fou fur imu med mid mod mut rum tum doh
hm fu mu um ef em fe fi if me mi mo of om uh eh he hi ho oh de do ed id od ou ut eo er et io it oe oi or
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