saddlecloth is playable for 20 points
hellcats cathodes cholates cladodes collated eschalot socalled
collates shedload
chollas clashed clothed hellcat latched shellac cathode chalets cholate cladode clothes coddles coheads
latches loaches satchel scalded scathed scolded callets callose castled coldest coleads
collate collets
halloed hollaed locales located solaced alecost coasted
cholla called cashed chalet chalot
chased chelas
clothe cloths coddle cohead
coshed detach laches slatch thecal callet cellos chaste cheats clades closed coaled colead
collet daledh
decals locale locals lolcat sachet scaled scathe taches
ached adhoc
chads chals
chela clash cloth deoch
latch leach letch loach lochs aches acold calls cella cello cells chaos chase chats cheat chest chose chota clade clads clods coded colds coled
decad decal dolce
chad chal
lech loch ache call cash cell chat clad clod cold cosh each echo echt etch oche tach tech aced alec cade cads calo
cels celt clot coal coda code cods
coed cola cole
ach cha hac hoc
och tch cad cel cod col doc lac ace act cat cos cot dah doh eco edh had hed hod lah oca sac sec soc add ahs all ash dad dal
ah eh ha he ho oh sh ad al da de do ed el la lo od ae as at eo es et oe os so ta te to
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