saturable is playable for 14 points
Unscramble SATURABLE
baluster rustable
tableaus arbalest
ablauts abustle bluster butlers subalar
sublate subtler tableau tabular ablates alberts arables
arblast arbutes
astable baueras
blaster bursate
labrets ratable stabler subarea abaters abreast austral estrual
ablaut abuela
bluest bluets blurts brutal bursal bustle butler butles
rubles suable sublet subtle tabula usable ablate ablest aburas abuser albert arable arbute balers basalt bateau bauera
beauts blares blears bleats brutes burets bursae
bluer blues bluet blurs blurt burls butle lubes lubra
ruble slurb tubal abler ables abura abuse abuts albas baals balas baler bales balsa basal beaus beaut belts blare blase blast blate blats blear bleat blest
blue blur burl lube slub able abut alba albs baal bale bals
beau bels belt blae blat blet brut bura
burs bust bute buts labs rube rubs slab sleb stub suba tabu tuba tube
alb bal bel bur bus but lab rub sub tub urb
aba abs arb baa bae bar bas bat bet bra reb sab tab leu lur
ult aal ala ale als alt eau els lar
ab ba be al el la us ut aa ae ar as at er es et re ta te
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