shipmaster is playable for 18 points
mateships samphires seraphims
shipmates steamship marshiest
emphasis mateship misshape samphire seraphim shipmate teraphim trampish impastes impresas imprests
misparse misparts
pastimes primates restamps
stampers timepass atheisms hamsters harpists hipsters marishes mishears parishes sharpest sharpies smartish smithers starship triphase asterism misrates
pastries piasters
empaths hampers mishaps shrimps armpits imparts impasse impaste impresa impress imprest mispart
misstep pastime permits premiss primate restamp simpers spirems
stamper tampers apeshit aphesis atheism hamster harpies harpist hermits hipster marshes mashers mashies messiah mishear
empath hamper mishap shrimp armpit impart passim permit primas
primes prisms remaps simper sperms spirem
stamps tamper tramps aspish harems hermai
hermit ihrams
marish masher mashes mashie mirths mither parish pashes perish phaser phases phasis
hemps pashm
perms pimas
prams prima prime prims
prism ramps remap samps simps spams spasm sperm stamp tamps tempi temps tramp aphis apish ephas haems hames harem harms harps hasps heaps herma herms herps ihram
hemp amps imps maps pams perm pima pram prim ramp samp simp spam tamp temp ahem epha haem hame hams haps harm harp hasp heap hemi hems heps herm herp hips mash math mesh meth
amp imp map pam ham hap hem hep him hip meh pah peh phi pht aim ami ape apt arm asp ems ism mae mai mar mas mat mea
mer met mir mis par pas
hm am em ma me mi pa pe pi ah eh ha he hi sh ae ai ar as at er es et is it re si ta te ti
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