shogunate is playable for 15 points
Unscramble SHOGUNATE
gunshot hangout hognuts hutongs naughts
noughts shotgun toughen stengah hostage nougats outsang tongues onstage outages tangoes soutane
enough hognut hutong naught nought shogun aughts ghauts hogans hugest oughts shango
sought thangs thegns thongs toughs guanos
haunts hausen nougat sunhat tongue unhats
agents agones ethnos
genoas hasten honest outage outgas snathe tangos teguas
aught ghaut gnash hangs hogan hongs ought sangh
sheng sough teugh thang thegn thong thugs tough gaunt genua genus ghast ghats ghost goeth gosht goths guano guans haunt hunts negus shunt stung sugan tungs
hung gush hang hong huge hugs sugh
thug ughs
gash gaun
genu ghat gnus gosh goth guan guns hags hogs huns hunt shag shog shun snug sung tung agon ague engs gaen gane gean gena
hug ugh gah gnu gun hag hog hun eng gan gen gua gut hen hon hue hut nag nah nog noh nth ohu suh tug age ago ahs ash ego eth gae gas gat geo
uh ag ah eh go ha he ho nu oh sh un an en na ne no on ou us ut ae as at eo es et oe os so ta te to
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