shorefront is playable for 16 points
honorers horneros
hoofers eftsoon festoon fronter frontes refront
fooster footers honorer hornero
hornets horrent norther onshore reroofs
roofers shorten thorons
thrones hooters reshoot rhetors
shooter shorter soother enroots snorter rooster rooters toreros
foehns froths hoofer fronts soften ethnos
fetors foetor footer forest fortes foster herons honers honest honors hornet norths
nosher nother reroof roofer senhor softer thorns thoron throne hooter horste
others reshot rhetor soothe throes enroot
foehn fohns
forth fresh frosh froth hefts hoofs ferns fonts freon frons front nerfs
often fetor foots fores
forte forts frets froes frore frost hents
herns heron honer hones honor hoons horns hosen north ofter
fohn fehs
heft hoof fens fern fone fons
font nefs nerf efts erfs fest fets foes foot fore fort fret froe hens hent hern hone hons hoon horn nesh nosh orfe refs reft roof serf
feh foh fen fon nef efs eft erf fer fet foe foo for fro hen hon noh nth oft oof orf ref eth her hes
het hoe hos hot oho ohs ooh rho she sho
ef fe of eh he ho oh sh en ne no on eo er es et oe oo or os re so te to
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