shortbread is playable for 16 points
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strobed tabored aborter arbores barrets
barters boaster boaters borates dearths dehorts hardest hardset
bashed bathed hotbed abhors basher bather bathes bathos bertha berths boheas
borsht bother breath broths harbor obeahs rehabs throbs abodes adbots
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adobe adorb
ardeb barde
bardo bards bared based bated beads beard board bodes bored brads bread broad darbs debar
baht bash bath beth bosh both brah herb hobs abed bade bads bard bead beds bode bods brad bred dabs darb debs debt dobs drab abet ahed
bare bars base bast bate bato
bah hob bad bed bod dab deb dob abs arb bae bar bas bat bet boa bos bot bra bro brr dah doh edh had hed hod oba obe orb reb rob sab sob tab
ab ba be bo ah eh ha he ho oh sh ad da de do ed od ae ar as at eo er es et oe or os re so ta te to
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