shortcake is playable for 18 points
Unscramble SHORTCAKE
chokers chokras
hackers hockers
hockets hotcake shocker rackets restack restock retacks
rockets stacker stocker tackers archest chaster choreas
hectors ochreas oraches rachets ratches roaches rochets
rotches tochers torches troches
coaster coaters recoats earshot
charks choker chokes chokra
haceks hacker hocker
hocket shacko
sketch thacks ackers casket crakes creaks croaks ockers racket retack
rocket sacker screak socket tacker tracks trocks
kasher kosher shaker arches chares charts chaser chaste cheats
chark choke hacek hacks hecks hocks ketch kotch
shack shock thack cakes carks cokes corks crake creak croak ocker racks recks rocks stack stock tacks track trock
hakes harks hokes khats khets
hack heck hock cake cark cask coke cork rack reck rock sack sock tack hake hark hoke hoks kesh khat khet
okeh ache arch cash char chat cosh each echo echt etch oche tach
ack hok ach cha hac hoc
och tch aks ark ask erk kae
kat kea kes koa kor kos oak oka oke ska tsk ace act arc car cat cor cos cot eco oca
ka ok ah eh ha he ho oh sh ae ar as at eo er es et oe or os re so ta te to
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