shortcoming is playable for 22 points
smooching cohosting smoothing motorings
chroming mooching chrismon hormonic
choosing torching omicrons torgochs chorions isochron moorings motoring orthicon scooting smooring
storming torchons shooting shorting soothing monitors hornitos roosting
comings choring chrisom chromos coshing gnomish moshing ochring crimson gothics microns moronic omicron omigosh torgoch chitons chorion costing gnomist
gnostic moonish mooring mooting motoric osmotic rooming scoring torchon cogitos
cohorts hooting horsing hosting isochor moorish
coming gnomic chings chirms chrism chromo grinch homing smirch smitch
smooch cohogs
gothic micron mights
chinos chints
chiton cogons coigns congos cooing coring cosign coting incogs
micros mongos
mongst monish months mooing moongs sitcom snitch
ching chirm choom
mitch mooch ohmic schmo cohog
might monic chino chins choon cogon coign corms crims incog micro mongo month moong notch osmic scrim chiro chits choir cohos corgi gismo groom hongi
chin chon corm crim inch mics mocs chis chit choi
cigs cogs coho cosh gorm grim hong ichs itch mhos migs mogs
mosh moth nigh ohms rich shim shmo
sich smog tich cion coin coni
mic moc chi cig cog hic him hoc
hom ich mho mig mog och ohm tch con ghi hog mon nim nom cis coo cor cos cot gin hin hon ism mir mis moi moo
hm mi mo om gi go hi ho oh sh in no on io is it oi oo or os si so ti to
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