shortsighted is playable for 19 points
horseshit digestors stodgiest theorists
hitherto resights
rightest shortish sighters digestor hidroses stodgier thirsted egotists gorsiest
hoisters horsiest shortest shorties strigose theorist thorites
distorts steroids
thighed eighths heights highest ghosted girthed hogtied hotdish righted sighted ghettos girshes
hogties hottish ogreish resight sighers sighter thither tighter dehorts digests digress dithers goitred gritted grossed hoisted shirted shitted
shorted shotted sodgers
eighth height higher hights
thighs dights dreigh
driegh sighed eights ghetto ghosts girths griths
hither hithes hogtie ogrish righto rights sigher sights thresh tights dehors dehort deshis
dhotis digest dirges dishes dither dogies dotish geoids
heigh highs hight thigh dight eight ghost girsh
girth goeth gosht goths grith heths
hithe right shish shogs
sighs sight tight deshi dhoti dirge doeth doges dogie dregs geoid girds godet gored gride grids herds
high ghis
gosh goth hehs
heth hogs shog sigh desh
digs dish doge dogs dosh doth dreg edhs
gied gird gods grid herd hide hied hods hoed ohed shed shod sidh
egis egos
ghi heh hog shh dig dog doh edh ged gid god hed hid hod ego erg eth geo get gie gis git gor
got her hes
het hie his hit hoe hoi hos hot ohs
eh gi go he hi ho oh sh de do ed id od eo er es et io is it oe oi or os re si so te ti to
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