sighthound is playable for 19 points
hindguts toughish houtings
shouting southing
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hutongs noughts shotgun shuting
thouing tushing unsight
dousing douting dusting guidons hosting hotdish tundish ousting outings outsing tousing
houghs though doughs dought hights
hognut hutong nought shogun thighs dights dingus guidon gundis hongis
hosing hounds nights oughts sought sundog things thongs toughs unshod dhonis dhutis
dingos doings dosing doting guidos outing dhotis donuts
hough dough highs hight thigh dight dungs gundi hongi hongs hound nighs
night ohing ought sough thing thong thugs tough dhoni dhuti
dingo dings doing dongs ghost gosht goths guids
hinds hunts shunt sight stung
high hung hunh dung gush hong hugs hush nigh sugh
thug ughs
ding dong dugs ghis
gnus gosh goth guid guns hind hogs huns hunt shog shun sigh snug sung thud tung digs dish dogs
hug huh ugh dhu
dug duh ghi gnu gun hog hun shh dig dog doh dun gid gin god gut hid hin hod hon hui hut nog noh nth ohu suh tug und din don
uh gi go hi ho nu oh sh un do id in no od on ou us ut io is it oi os si so ti to
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