skateboard is playable for 18 points
broadest broasted seaboard teaboard
debarks arabesk
taskbar darkest straked
stroked troaked aborted abrades bastard boasted borated dabster debtors karates
ostraka saboted
strobed tabards tabored abaters abators abreast boaster boaters borates rabatos rebatos robatas seaboat sorbate roasted torsade aerosat
barked basked boaked borked braked debark bakers basket boreks bosker
bosket brakes breaks kabars
drakes skated soaked staked stoked tasked troked
abased abated aboard abodes abrade abroad adbots
adobes adorbs adsorb ardebs arkose bardes
baked boked
baker bakes barks beaks boaks bokes
borek borks brake break broke kabar
kerbs asked darks dorks drake dreks
oaked raked toked tsked abode adbot
adobe adorb
araks ardeb asker baaed barde
bake bark bask beak berk boak boke bork bosk brak kabs
kbar kerb kobs daks dark desk dork drek keds sked abed arak arks bade bads bard bead beds bode bods brad bred dabs darb
kab kob dak ked aks ark ask bad bed bod dab deb dob erk kae
kat kea kes koa kor kos oak oka oke ska tsk aba abs arb baa bae bar bas bat
ka ok ab ba be bo ad da de do ed od aa ae ar as at eo er es et oe or os re so ta te to
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