slantwise is playable for 14 points
Unscramble SLANTWISE
elastins nailsets
salients saltines
awnless inwales
winless wintles
wisents witless witness elastin enlists entails instals
listens nailset
salient salines saltine silanes silents slainte tenails
tinsels entasis nasties salties sestina tansies tisanes
inwale lawine
wintle awless sewans
sewins sinews swails
swains swales swines twains
twines walies
wisent witans sweats tawses waists wastes wisest aliens alines elains
enlist entail inlets instal latens
listen nitals
saline silane
lawns lewis lweis newts sewan sewin sinew slaws slews snaws
swain swale swans swine twain twine twins wails wains wales walis wanes wants wasnt
weals weans welts wiles wilts wines witan stews swats sweat
lawn anew awls awns laws lwei news newt sawn sewn slaw slew snaw
swan twin wail wain wale wali wane wans want weal wean wels welt wens
went wile wilt wine wins awes saws sews
awl awn law naw new wan wen win awe saw sew taw tew twa wae was wat wei
wet wis wit lin nil ail ain ale als alt ane ani ant els ens ins las
aw ew we al an el en in la li na ne ae ai as at es et is it si ta te ti
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