smithsonite is playable for 17 points
monteiths tinsmiths timothies
hominess hominies minishes
monishes monteith tinsmith mothiest shittims
smithies emission mestinos mintiest moistens sentimos
simonies simonist histones mistiest moistest semitist shiniest stithies inosites noisiest stoniest osteitis
homines homiest mishits
theisms eonisms
mestino missent mission mittens moisten monists sentimo smitten stemson ethions
histone hotness meiosis mitiest mitises
mitoses mitosis mostest shotten sithens somites stimies stonish hotties sottish theists inosite ionises nosiest
hemins hitmen inmesh minish monish months homies isthmi methos
mishit moshes shmoes smiths theism eonism imines inmost intime mentis
mentos mesons mitten monies monist montes titmen ethion ethnos
hoisin honest mioses miosis misset mossie motets
hemin mensh
month homes homie imshi
methi metho meths moths shims smith imine imino mento meson miens mines minis mints monie monte nomes omens emits hents
hints hones hosen items metis mises
misos misto
hemi hems home mesh meth mhos mosh moth ohms shim shmo
them mein
meno mens mien mine mini mint mons nemo nims nome noms
omen emit emos hens hent hins
hint hisn hone honi
hem him hom meh mho ohm men mon nem
nim nom emo ems hen hin hon ism met mis moi mos mot noh nth oms sim som tem tom eth hes
het hie his hit
hm em me mi mo om eh he hi ho oh sh en in ne no on eo es et io is it oe oi os si so te ti to
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