softhearted is playable for 17 points
foreheads foredates
foretaste shattered
fathered forehead softhead farthest feathers deforest draftees foredate forested fostered headrest sorehead threated
throated earthset
rheostat theaters theatres redstate
restated retasted
frothed shafted sheafed fathers feather freshet hafters hefters
terefah thereof daftest deafest defeats defrost deftest draftee feasted fedoras fretted frosted strafed adheres afreets dearths dehorts earthed feaster featest fetters hardest hardset
hatreds headers
fashed hafted hefted afresh father froths hafter hefter
hereof shofar thefts trefah dafter deafer defats defeat defers defter drafts faders farted fasted fatted feared feased
fedora fetted
rafted adhere afreet afters dasher dearth deaths dehors
forth fresh frosh froth hafts hefts shaft sheaf theft defat defer draft fader fades fados fards
fared fated feeds feods feted fords freed refed afore after ashed deash
death doeth dosha fares faros
farts fates
fash fehs
haft heft daft deaf deft fade fado fads fard feds feed feod ford afro ahed
dahs dash desh
dosh doth edhs
efts erfs fare faro fart fast fate fats fear feat fees
fah feh foh def fad fed aft arf dah doh edh efs eft erf far fas fat fee fer fet foe for fro had hed hod oaf oft orf ref ahs ash eth hae hao
ef fa fe of ah eh ha he ho oh sh ad da de do ed od ae ar as at ee eo er es et oe or os re so ta te to
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