southern is playable for 12 points
Unscramble SOUTHERN
hunters shunter unhorse hornets shorten shouter souther thrones tenours tonsure
hunter onrush ethnos
herons honers honest hornet hortus
nosher nother rouths
senhor thorns throne horste
others reshot rouens
tenour throes tuners unrest nestor noters
ouster outers routes souter stoner stoure
tenors tensor toners
hunts shunt erhus hents
herns heron honer hones horns hosen hours house hurst hurts north routh
shent shone shorn shout shute south thens
thorn thous usher ethos heros
hoers horse horst hoser nurse nutso
huns hunt shun erhu hens hent hern hone hons horn hour hues hurt huts nesh nosh ohus rhus rush ruth shen
shut then thou thru thus tush eths hero hers hest hets hoer hoes hors
hun hen hon hue hut noh nth ohu suh eth her hes
het hoe hos hot nus nut ohs rho run she sho soh sun the tho tun uns urn ens eon ern net nor
uh eh he ho nu oh sh un en ne no on ou us ut eo er es et oe or os re so te to
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