statesmanship is playable for 22 points
pantheisms seamanship steamships pantheists phantasies phantasise
shamanists metastasis
misshapen pantheism pashminas pathnames phantasms shipments mateships misshapes shipmates steamship paeanisms
aphanites apishness haematins
pantheist phantasts
pheasants shamanise
shamanist shamisens
thespians antepasts mantissas
pastiness patinates satanisms staminate statesman steapsins
asthenias hastiness misstates assistant astatines
pashmina pathname phantasm shipment emphasis mateship misshape shipmate impanate misspent paeanism
timespan anthemia aphanite haematin hematins impasses impastes missteps pastimes phantast
pheasant shamisen thespian timepass apathies atheisms messiahs shmattes amentias
amnesias anapests animates antepast mantises
shipman shipmen empaths mishaps emptins mispens
sampans spaeman tampans
anthems haemins
hamsins haptens hatpins hematin hetmans hipness impasse impaste inphase mahants misstep pastime saphena shamans thamins
apeshit aphesis asthmas athames atheism hamates
empath mishap apeman
pieman pitman pitmen sampan tampan anthem ashman
haemin hamsin hapten hatpin hemins hetman hitman hitmen inmesh mahant mithan
passim shaman shapen shnaps
spasms stamps tempts thamin
ahimsa aspish asthma athame
hemps pashm
hemin mensh
samps simps spams spasm stamp tamps tempi temps tempt amahs aphis apish ephas haems hames hapas hasps heaps maths methi meths pasha paths phase piths shama shame shams shape
hemp amps imps maps pama
pams pima samp simp spam tamp temp ahem amah epha haem hame hams hapa haps hasp heap hemi hems heps hips maha mash math mesh meth pash path pehs
amp imp map pam ham hap hem hep him hip meh pah peh phi pht man men nam nap nem
nim nip pan pen pin aim ama ami ape apt asp ems hen hin ism
hm am em ma me mi pa pe pi ah eh ha he hi sh an en in na ne aa ae ai as at es et is it si ta te ti
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