steading is playable for 12 points
Unscramble STEADING
agnised nidgets stanged
agisted easting eatings genista ingates ingesta seating tagines teasing destain detains instead sainted satined
stained tiendas
dating deigns design dinges
gained nidget signed singed tanged tinged agents agnise digest easing eating gainst gaited gasted giants ingate ingest sating signet staged stinge tagine tangis
tasing teaing tinges ageist detain idents sained standi
dangs deign dinge dings agent angst degas egads gadis
gains gated geans gents giant gnats segni
sengi singe stang sting tangi
tangs tinge tings aegis agist anted deans dents dines dints gaits gates getas
dang ding aged agin dags digs egad engs gadi
gads gaed gaen gain gane gean geds
gena gens gent gids
gied gien gins gnat nags sang sign sing snag snig tang ting ages ands
dag dig eng gad gan ged gen gid gin nag age and dan den din end gae gas gat get gie gis git ned sag tag teg tig ads aid ain ane ani ant dai
ag gi ad an da de ed en id in na ne ae ai as at es et is it si ta te ti
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