straphanger is playable for 19 points
hanapers pageants panthers perganas
pheasant resprang
trepangs thanages partners arranges granters regrants stranger tanagers narrates
hanaper haptens pageant panther parangs pergana
saphena sharpen trepang grasper hangars hangers harpers parerga
pargets rehangs sharper sparger stengah tephras thanage threaps
anapest arpents entraps gathers parents partans
partner pastern peasant spartan tarpans trapans trepans
graphs phages hapten pagans pangas parang prangs shapen sprang agapes
gapers gasper grapes hangar hanger harper pagers parges parget phaser phrase raphae raphes rehang sangha seraph shaper sherpa sparge spathe tephra teraph thangs thegns threap
graph phage pagan panga pangs prang spang agape ephas gaper gapes gnash grape grasp hangs hapas harps heaps herps pager pages parge pasha paths peags
phare phase raphe sangh
shape sharp sheng sprag staph thang
pang epha gape gaps gasp hang hapa haps harp hasp heap heps herp page pash path peag pegs pehs
phat spag agha argh gash ghat hags napa
nape naps neap paan pane pans pant pean
gap hap hep pah peg peh pht gah hag nap pan pen ape apt asp eng gan gen hen nag nah nth par pas pat pea per pes pet pre rap rep sap spa tap
pa pe ag ah eh ha he sh an en na ne aa ae ar as at er es et re ta te
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