strategic is playable for 14 points
Unscramble STRATEGIC
agrestic cigarets ergastic
citrates cristate scattier
cagiest cigaret gastric tragics astrict cattier catties
citrate cristae raciest scatter statice stearic trisect agister aigrets gaiters seagirt stagier targets triages artiest artiste attires iratest ratites striate tastier
cagers cagier cigars gestic graces tragic artics attics carets caries cartes
caster caters cattie
citers crates crista ericas
racist reacts recast stacte static steric strict traces tracts triacs
trices ageist aigret gaiter gaster grates
cager cages cigar crags grace scrag acers
acres areic artic attic cares caret carse carte carts caste cater cates ceria cesta cesti cires
citer cites crate crest cries crise
crits erica escar
races react recta
cage cigs crag scag acer aces acre acts arcs asci care cars cart case cast cate cats cire cist cite crit etic ices race recs
rice scar scat sect sice tace tact tics ager ages
cig ace act arc car cat cis ice rec sac sec sic tic age erg gae gar gas gat get gie gis git rag reg rig sag tag teg tig aes air ais ait are
ag gi ae ai ar as at er es et is it re si ta te ti
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