subnormal is playable for 18 points
Unscramble SUBNORMAL
umbonal labrums
solanum unmoral labours morulas
normals suboral
albums brumal busman labrum lumbar subman
umbral bromal rumbas sambur
umbras baluns manuls bourns burans
bursal labour larums lubras
monals morula mourns murals normal salmon suborn unarms unbars amours barons borals
labors manors molars morals
album numbs balms blams
lambs rumba umbos umbra ambos balun barms bomas manul alums blurs bolus bonus bosun bourn buran burls burns larum lubra
lumas manus mauls monal mourn muons mural slurb solum ulmos
numb balm blam bums lamb umbo ambo bams barm boma mobs alum blur buna buns burl burn luma lums maul maun muns muon nubs slub slum snub ulmo
albs alms amus
arum bals
bans barn
bum bam mob bun lum mun nub alb amu bal ban bon bur bus lab lam lob man mol mon mus nab nam nob nom olm rub rum sub sum urb
abs arb arm bar
mu um ab am ba bo ma mo om nu un al an la lo na no on ou us ar as or os so
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