superhighway is playable for 27 points
highways whiprays
whispery euphrasy haywires
highway shipway whipray
wheyish gawpers
prewash spyware warship whisper wiseguy yawpers haywire phisher rhaphes washery grayish greyish pushier pyurias rupiahs waspier
earwigs grushie
gushier harpies sephira sharpie washier wearish hegaris
hegiras upraise
hyphae upgrew
washup whaups gawper
psywar yawper aweigh ephahs ephyra grapey graphs gripey
heughs phages rhaphe saughy
sphery sypher weighs higher pawers
prahus purges pusher pyuria ripsaw rupiah sirupy spurge swiper
hypha whaup whups gawps pshaw pushy waspy waugh whaps whips wispy yawps ephah gawsy
gipsy graph grapy gripy
gushy harpy haugh heugh hyper hypes phage wahey
washy weigh wheys
whigs whish hapus
heigh highs pawer
whup gawp phew pugh whap whip yawp gapy
hype hyps whey whig whys hapu
high paws
pews pugs puha
push puys spew swap waps
warp wasp wipe wisp wrap yaup yups awry epha espy gape
hyp why hup paw pew pug puy wap yup gap gip guy hap haw hep hew hip hug huh pah pay peg peh phi pig pry pya pye spy swy ugh wag wah way wey
up aw ew pa pe pi uh we ag ah ay eh gi ha he hi sh ya ye yi us ae ai ar as er es is re si
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