surrogate is playable for 12 points
Unscramble SURROGATE
outrages garrotes
arguers grouser grouter
outages outrage ragouts rougets
rugrats turgors
garotes garrets garrote garters graters orgeats storage toerags arouser rouster
routers tourers trouser roaster
aerugo arguer argues argute augers erugos
gouras grouse grouts gutser
outage outgas ragout rogues rouges rouget
rugate rugosa
rugose rugrat sauger surger
tragus turgor urgers argots ergots garote garret garter gaster gators grater
agues argue argus auger erugo
gaurs goura gouts grout grues guars
guest gusto rogue rouge rugae sugar surge tegua tegus togue trugo
trugs urger urges usage agers argot ergot gates gator gears getas
goats goers
ague gaur gout grue guar gust guts ragu ruga rugs tegu trug tugs urge ager ages areg egos ergo ergs gaes
gars gast gate gats gear geas geos gest geta gets goas goat goer goes
gua gur
gut rug tug age ago ego erg gae gar gas gat geo get goa gor
got rag reg sag tag teg tog eau our ous out rue rus rut sau
sou sue tau
ag go ou us ut ae ar as at eo er es et oe or os re so ta te to
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