synergistic is playable for 19 points
crestings sincerity synergist resisting sistering
synergic cresting cysteins
cystines gneissic reciting syenitic syringes cisterns citrines crinites
inciters sericins
eristics igniters resiting
stingers stingier tressing trigness insister sinister
cygnets scrying cessing cissing
cringes cystein
cystine encysts tricing retying stringy syringe yessing cistern citrine citrins
cretins crinite iciness incests
incises inciter incites insects irenics neritic sericin cissier
eristic igniter ignites ingests ingress resigns resting
crying cygnet cering citing cringe encyst icings nicety ricing sicing
cyesis gentry gestic stingy stying trying tyring
cretin incest incise incite insect irenic nicest nitric ricins
scents citers cities crests crises crisis engirt gneiss
genic icing syncs yince
cissy cysts eying syces tying cents cines
greys gyres nicer ricin scent since cesti cires
cists citer cites cress crest cries crise
crits entry genii gents girns grins icier ignis
sync cigs city cyst scry syce cent cine grey gyre gyri nice cess cire cist cite crit engs etic gens gent gien gins girn grin ices recs
rice ring secs sect sice sics sign sing
cig cry icy gey cis eng gen gin ice rec sec sic syn tic yen yin erg get gie gis git reg rig rye sty teg tig try tye yer yes yet ens ern ins
gi ye yi en in ne er es et is it re si te ti
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