tenderhearted is playable for 18 points
threatened threatener
heartened deterrent entreated reentered retreaded retreated
adherend hardened adherent hardener neatherd reharden
threaded attended darneder
deadener dentated endeared reheated rendered rethread tendered tethered threader threated
threaten attendee attender deratted deterred edentate nattered rattened
reheater retarded tenderer tentered natterer
rattener teetered
headend adhered redhead adherer earthed earthen hearted hearten reheard teeheed
teethed trended ardente
dentate derated detente dratted entered redated teether theater theatre thereat treaded enterer entreat ereader
ratteen reenter rerated retread ternate terrane terreen terrene
handed hanted
harden headed heeded herded adhere anther dander darned deaden deaned
dearth dented ethane ethene harder hatred hatted header heated heeder
herder needed nether redden redhat
tended thenar thread aether anteed ardent attend
haded death ended hared hated heard heder neath tenth thane adder anted dared dated denar dente
dread dreed earth ender ether haere
hater heart rathe readd redan reded
teeth there theta three trend adret
hand ahed
hade haed
hant hard head heed hent herd hern than then darn dead dean deed dene dent eath haet hare hart hate hear heat here nard need nerd rand rath redd rend
dah edh had hed hen nah nth add and dad dan den end eth hae hat her het ned rah the ane ant dee der ern nae nee net rad ran red tad tan ted
ah eh ha he ad an da de ed en na ne ae ar at ee er et re ta te
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