testimony is playable for 15 points
Unscramble TESTIMONY
etymons mestino mittens moisten sentimo smitten tensity tientos
enmity etymon moneys myosin simony moiety moisty myotis stymie eonism inmost mentis
mentos mitten monies monist montes titmen entity motets mottes
snotty somite stoney
totems tystie onsite sitten stotin teston tiento
meiny minty money monty misty mosey motey
stimy mento meson miens mines mints monie monte nomes omens emits items metis misto
mites mitts moist moste
motes motet motte motts
netty nitty noisy nosey omits
mony mity mein
meno mens mien mine mint mons nemo nims nome noms
omen emit emos item mise miso mist mite mitt moit
most mote mots mott nosy omit semi smit snye some stem syne
yom men mon nem
nim nom emo ems ism met mis moi mos mot oms sim som syn tem tom yen yin yon soy sty toy tye yes yet ens eon ins ion net nit
my em me mi mo om oy ye yi yo en in ne no on eo es et io is it oe oi os si so te ti to
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