theocentric is playable for 20 points
heterotic theoretic thereinto
corniche enchoric crotchet ricochet cicerone concerti concrete croceine
necrotic tectonic coherent coinhere enthetic notchier tetchier contrite cornetti
erection neoteric reticent trecento hereinto thirteen tenorite
chronic conchie technic choicer choreic cochere
crochet ecorche centric conceit concert cornice crocein crocine
eccrine cerotic chorine chorten
cithern cithren
orectic cheerio chitter erethic etheric heretic techier trochee cittern cointer
cornett crottin
cochin chicer choice choric creche crotch echoic hectic chiton cicero coerce cretic enrich ethnic nicher
richen techno thence tictoc
trench cheero
cither coheir cohere echoer etcher hector heroic reecho rhotic rochet rotche techie thetic thoric
cinch conch chico cotch conic cerci ceric ceroc
chine chino croci hence niche notch recce tench cheer chert chiro choir chore chott ethic ichor ocher ochre retch riche roche rotch titch torch cento conte crone
chic chin chon croc inch chit choi
eche echo echt etch itch oche rich tech tich cent cine cion coin cone coni
corn cron
icon nice once cere cero cete cire cite coir core cote
chi hic hoc
ich och tch con cee cor cot eco hen hin hon ice noh nth orc rec roc tic eth her het hie hit hoe hoi hot rho the tho eon ern ion
eh he hi ho oh en in ne no on ee eo er et io it oe oi or re te ti to
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